February 14, 2009

A new beginning..

A new beginning..I really think that title suits my first post in this blog..hahahh..because this is my 2nd attempt at blogging!!!hahah..

Yup!!I've tried it once but being too occupied with endless works and also the kids and managing the family..and the list is endless...I've stopped blogging for quiete sometime now..and have been missing it so..therefore I've decided to start blogging again..yeahhhh!!!:) I don't really know ahat I'll be blogging about..actually at first I was thinking of starting a food blog (ohh..I so loved to visit all those food blogs with all those interesting recipes and also the nice shots of food!!) but I'm not sure whether i can keep up with it..hmm..maybe one day I'll be able to materialised it!:)

So i have come to my decision thatt this blog will be entirely about me and my family and the things that happen along the way..I'm going to write about anything and everything that I wish..hahha..and of course there will be gramatical mistakes,the used of rojak languages etc but it doesn't matter because this blog is entirely mine!!hahahha

The journey begins..:P

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